Remembering Chris....
2008-11-09 06:18:17 ET

Last night was a gathering of friends who all loved my cousin Chris Muzykant aka Doktor242. Ironically it was held in a condo that happens to have a balconey that overlooks the cemetery in which his ashes are buried. I though I would feel weird about it, but it was fairly comforting to know he was so close... and not only in spirit. As usual there were hysterical stories about Yoda.. aka Kitty Douche... and all of the things that made everyone love Chris. Of course there were some tears as well, when reality kicks in and we realize that there will never be any additions to any of those stories. Plus of course the fact that we all feel as though we have no closure. I pray that responsibility will one day be taken for what happened. It would really make life a lot more bearable for Chris' friends and family. I've always believed righting one's wrongs in this life cleans the soul for the next...whatever the "next" may be...

It would mean a lot to me if anyone reading this would comment with a story about Chris. There are so many that many of us haven't heard. Hearing new stories, or even ones I haven't heard in a while, almost make it feel like he's still out there somewhere, touching people's lives the way he touched mine.....

2008-11-09 06:29:10 ET

So I will comment with a Chris story...

In the 6th grade, Chris and I finally got to go to the same school. Hudde Junior High School on Nostrand Avenue and Avenue L. That was definitely an age of raging testosterone, as believe it or not, Chris developed a little bit of an aggressive side. He became a bit of a fighter...albeit a lousy one.
One day an 8th grader bumped Chris pretty hard while he was taking to a girl he liked. She looked like the second Phoenix from the X-Men comics...with whom he was infatuated. Well there was no way Chris would let that go! He yelled out "HEY!". Then, in what appeared to be slow motion, Chris threw a punch right at the kid's face. The problem was, it wasn't slow motion. Chris just had a lousy, slow-ass punch. The kid was easily able to avoid the punch and Chris fell down. Regardless, the kid was a bit intimidated, so he took off quickly. But to avoid Chris coming after him, he stomped on Chris' forehead and ran. Within minutes, a bruise started to take shape on his forehead that looked like the tread on the bottom of the kids's sneaker. Chris didn't want to get in trouble with his parents for fighting, so we concocted this story that Chris fell, and hit his head on a tire, thus explaining the tread marks. The only problem was, that by the time he got home, the word "Reebok", appeared clearly on his head...backwards. So just as quickly as it began, Chris' Junior High School fighting career ....ended.

2008-11-09 08:31:19 ET

Mike, that story was awesome.

I'll follow with one of my own tomorrow.

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