Have you passed through this night?
2004-12-05 18:22:31 ET

I cant move on
I have tried
I try to run
I fail

I cant care anymore
I have to move on
I have to grow
I will

It will take time
It will happen
It can happen
It will

The time is now
The hour has come
The seperation Is Complete
The Love is gone

Moved on
Moved out
Moving on

I am ready
I know your not
I hate what you've become
I know your not that

Your not real
Your living in a dream
Your going to have to grow
Your not mature enough

We know eachother
We loved eachother
We grew togther
We will die apart

Time will show
Time will pass
Time hasn't stopped
Time Goes Through You

You will see
You will regret
You will Change
You will hate yourself

Move on
Move out


2004-12-05 19:21:27 ET

Portland Oregon?

2004-12-06 17:43:56 ET


2004-12-07 07:25:20 ET

yikes, well we may be in Frisco, so that isn't far.

2004-12-08 16:24:28 ET

no too far

we can....MEET!!!!

2004-12-08 20:34:24 ET

its about a 8 hour drive. We shall. Why are you going there?

2004-12-09 17:38:47 ET

ill have someone to live with...and its far from here

2004-12-10 10:38:19 ET


2004-12-10 10:53:41 ET

Hilari Mayfield, from Seattle

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