Yay *in excited voice*
2005-08-22 18:41:30 ET

well i went to japanese today
and I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

holy crap i have never felt like that about a class EVER!

i was almost late due to traffic

but thats ok

i got there and i just loved
Kuroki Sensee
she is great
a very sweet lady

and the class is a bit crazy
and most of them were freaking out at how hard the class was
but i knew exactly what i was getting into
and i couldnt be more excited!!!!

we even jumped into learning Hiragana !
and that was great!

i cant wait to get further in the class...
(i just realized how much of a geek i sound)

but thats ok!


2005-08-22 19:06:42 ET

Wow, I'm really glad for you. Finally, something that makes you happy and that you enjoy in life. You win. <3

2005-08-22 19:33:38 ET

its about time....
it is great, but, still im feeling a bit is missing.
oh well

2005-08-22 19:44:39 ET

That's understandable. Aren't we all...

2005-08-23 02:23:40 ET

i'm glad that you enjoyed class :-)

2005-08-23 04:41:07 ET

want to learn japanese..

2005-08-23 05:23:24 ET

so am i

and if you know what youre getting into
its not bad.(so far)

2005-08-23 05:25:03 ET

not yet...

2005-08-24 05:52:47 ET

You're lucky Brent, enjoy it =)

2005-08-24 06:18:26 ET

i am so much

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