For some reason, Sharks came to mind
2003-09-15 21:32:48 ET

Hello there, my early guests. I shall be your guide through this journey into madness. Care for a drink before we begin?

Now, if you are refreshed, how about a taste of my writings that goes with your beverage?

Red Wine and a Broken Heart

The taste of red wine and clove cigarettes.
Billy Holiday serenading me over the speakers.
Hope of love smashed on the jagged rocks below a high cliff.
The roar of the ocean below.
Always constant, never changing.

Red wine and a broken heart.
Mourn it all go, as your world falls apart.
A heart full of tears and a glass of wine, red
To feel pain as this is to be better off dead.

Thoughts racing so fast, yet everything comes slow.
The sorrowful, romantic jazz lulling you into the familiar womb of despair.
The longing for love to painful to bear.

Red wine and a broken heart.
Mourn it all go, as your world falls apart.
A heart full of tears and a glass of wine, red
To feel pain as this is to be better off dead.

Red wine and a broken heart is all the poet needs.

2003-09-15 21:35:20 ET

red wine and a broken heart indeed.

welcome to subkultures. :) enjoy. post. comment, be merry.

2003-09-15 21:46:58 ET

<3Welcome to<3

2003-09-15 23:09:25 ET

mm.. billie holiday

2003-09-16 05:31:08 ET

Welcome to SK.

If you need any help, go here.

2003-09-16 06:35:44 ET

Welcome to Sk.

2003-09-16 08:50:32 ET

welcome! (and thanks for the drink). :)

2003-09-17 09:30:26 ET

welsome to sk. love that wine. "Love is the Law" you read Crowley?

2003-09-17 15:58:26 ET

Welcome and hello.
mm indeed billie holiday

2003-09-17 17:25:47 ET

welcome to sk.
you have beautiful eyes :)

2003-09-17 22:19:28 ET

I just wanted to thank everyone for their comments, and the warm welcome. it is quite a refreshing surprise.

2003-09-18 07:31:05 ET

did you expect less.. :(...
glad you feel welcome

2003-09-18 09:12:45 ET

unlike LJ and bme, we're all pretty welcoming :)

2003-09-18 23:21:59 ET

hmm this took me long enough ...=/ sorry Sam =) welcome to Subkultures

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