A poem is found, quite a few years old, and is dusted off for Presentation.
2005-07-19 09:17:04 ET

(and to think, I wrote this during the FIRST war with Iraq. how fitting it has become once again)

No Pity

don't cry for help,
don't reach out for assistance,
all you'll receive is resentment and resistance.
don't call for help,
`cause no one will ever answer,
compassion's what we're lacking,
apathy groes like cancer.

you lash out at others,
you lash out at yourself,
don't you know you shouldn't feel
leave your emotions on the shelf

no one wants to hear you whine,
no one wants to hear you cry,
they all say that it's just a line
they don't believe you'll really die

don't cry for help,
don't reach out for assistance,
all you'll receive is resentment and resistance.
don't call for help,
`cause no one will ever answer,
compassion's what we're lacking,
apathy groes like cancer.

you mean nothing to these people,
your desperate pleas all go unheard
you might as well have a been a Pigmy,
you might as well have been a Kurd

selfishness has no time for compassion
to them you're just a 'bummer'
this world has no place for those who dance
to the beat of a different drummer

don't cry for help,
don't reach out for assistance,
all you'll receive is resentment and resistance.
don't call for help,
`cause no one will ever answer,
compassion's what we're lacking,
apathy groes like cancer.

anything unpleasent is ignored,
the wretched are looked over.
people let their neighbors die a slow death,
never leanding a hand,
and then they have the nerve to claim to morn.


2005-07-19 09:53:30 ET

i love the way your write...you never sugar coat anything...its just truth

2005-07-20 09:16:15 ET

Well, most of the time people sugar coat things, it's NOT the truth...

Sing along, boys and girls: Just a spoon full of sugar helps the bullshit they feed you go down, the bullshit they feed you go down, the bullshit they feed you go down.......


2005-07-20 09:28:40 ET

i think you missed what i was saying...i know that when people sugar coat things its not the truth...that was my whole point is that you don't sugar coat things you just speak truth

2005-07-20 09:43:36 ET

No, I was just driving the point home....

2005-07-20 09:58:18 ET

ah alright *hugs*

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