Sisters come to visit
2005-11-03 13:42:35 ET

'Scarlet Fever' and her sister 'Typhoid Mary'... hmm, is my skin supposed to be green?

2005-11-03 17:01:50 ET

some people stopped me and the sister when we were getting off our flight and asked us what we thought about the quarantines they are placing in certain airports coming from out of the country.
I can't believe they are doing this. And they are also holding people who may be suspected, SUSPECTED, of having the flu or disease or whatnot. bloody lame, I think.

2005-11-03 22:21:58 ET

Yeah, 'Cicil Liberties', what are those?

2005-11-03 22:22:52 ET

and yeah, I should be quarantined! lol

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