a question to all sk people
2008-12-09 06:39:44 ET

do you give some money for sk, and how much?
i think i could send a little bit.

2008-12-09 08:12:49 ET

i think you could donate.
i think i did that a few years ago.

2008-12-09 08:32:54 ET

yes, i will do, not much, 5 dollars or so, but maybe, two times a year, when i get some money for christmas and birthday or something like that,...
maybe next month

2008-12-09 09:50:38 ET

yeah, i'm pretty sure m0xie accepts donations still, of any amount. :]

i have always felt terrible that i havent, and i've been on here for 6 years. i think i might do that this year too.

2008-12-09 11:31:27 ET

i think, it doesnīt matter if anybody couldnīt give anything. but when everybody gives a little bit, it could help.
i donīt know, how it should live forever!
or so, i donīt know, cuz here are no spots or something like that,
iīm thankful!

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