2009-01-06 13:44:58 ET

luthea salomon, a nice american singer/songwriter makes a germany tour in april, and she gives houseconcerts! maybe she plays in my livingroom!
we wrote one mail to another and planned it today, sheŽll give me the right date soon. iŽm excited!

2009-01-06 16:10:01 ET

house shows are the shit

2009-01-06 16:13:11 ET

sounds fun!

2009-01-06 21:47:19 ET

her name is luthea salom! sheŽll come only with her guitar and her beautyful voice! and because i have birthday in april, thatŽll be my birthdayparty!

2009-01-07 01:04:53 ET

that is awesome.

2009-01-07 01:14:31 ET


chick with guitars = hot

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