2005-07-14 06:54:05 ET

I just found this site and I'm very surprised I've never found it before.
If you've ever seen Wings of Desire you'll recall that one of the angels keeps a notebook listing interesting and beautiful things he encounters each day. I've always wanted such a journal. I have a livejournal account which started out that way but as I met more real life livejournal users it slowly evolved into more of a method of narrating what was going on in my life. I hope this can be a fresh start.
I'm writing this mission statement of sorts for my own benefit because I need such outlines to keep me on track. Apart from the aforementioned lists I hope to discuss inspiring artwork and music, as well as chronicle my own artistic creations. Perhaps this way I will be able to make friends based not only on location but on interests. I seem to have forgotten that I can make long distance friends and would probably benefit from a larger pool of people. Though it sounds corny, I literally have the world at my fingertips.

2005-07-14 06:56:34 ET

Welcome to Sk.

2005-07-14 07:02:10 ET

Greetings, earthling. Love NOLA, by the by.

2005-07-14 07:14:57 ET

welcome to sk. this place is brilliant, you've definitely come to the right place

2005-07-14 07:18:52 ET

Welcome to SK. You'll love it.

2005-07-14 09:38:31 ET

welcome to SK *touches you*

2005-07-14 10:13:53 ET

I'm wondering if there's a way to reply to certain comments. Can you tell me?
Regardless, wow, you people are friendly! Except for the *touching*...I'm still trying to figure that one out.

2005-07-14 10:19:57 ET

just our way of saying Hi

2005-07-14 12:03:31 ET

Just your way of saying hi. Hah

2005-07-14 12:04:30 ET

.......*touches Pez*

2005-07-14 12:05:48 ET

No touch!

2005-07-14 15:49:16 ET

A huge welcome and glad you are here.

2005-07-14 21:54:50 ET


2005-07-16 12:35:14 ET

welcome, and youre cute! :)

2005-07-17 03:05:47 ET


2005-08-11 10:49:56 ET

Welcome :)

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