2003-08-06 12:54:31 ET

I slept until 2pm again. I hate this type of sit on my ass scheuele, I need more customers!

2003-08-06 13:25:14 ET

oooooooooh, who do you work as?

2003-08-06 16:02:37 ET

"Home Computer Consultant" I'll even come all the way to Canada if you pay me for the trip!

2003-08-07 11:22:46 ET

i just got a major project =)

also its like 4:20 right now and i'm gonna try to run home and run out to meet you and shit cuz i'm at HHH so CALL ME BIOTCH. i dont know your number!

2003-08-07 15:37:41 ET

why should i pay you?

2003-08-07 19:14:49 ET

Because, I would be consulting you with your computer problem. =)

2003-08-08 08:16:22 ET

i hate XP, that is the only prblem that I've got =)

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