2003-08-09 09:59:28 ET

Its pouring out! The good news is, the weather suits the all black attire I may wear for my evening at batcave.

In other news, my plans are to drop off really past due library literature and meet a customer in the city. Yesterday, I was even given a letter that told me that I would have to pay 50 bux to replace the book. Well, thank god I have it, god knows how much the fine comes too after over two months. The sad thing is that I actually worry about this. Nothings a greater privilege than one's own library card (not your mom's or dad's cause you have to pay lots of cash to pay off your own.)

...well, it stop pouring.

2003-08-09 10:19:28 ET

i dont have a library card. *sniff*

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