The icon
2003-12-30 22:27:22 ET

You all have another chance to tell me who this is.

2003-12-31 03:02:02 ET

is it a catcher's mitt?

2003-12-31 06:54:34 ET

Hmm let me see....

Right click on picture.
Hmm... Coverdale.jpg
Coverdale.jpg... ah... got it.

It's David Coverdale.

2003-12-31 08:27:58 ET

You asshole! Yes, it's David Coverdale!

2003-12-31 08:28:35 ET

Still: haha, yeah, he does look like a catcher's mit!

2003-12-31 09:19:04 ET

wow he looks like total shit...i can't believe thats him!

2003-12-31 10:09:03 ET

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