The best con EVER!
2004-07-11 20:47:12 ET

I spent the weekend at HOPE where I encountered otherSKusers.

The scene got tiring for awile so I spent a good portion of the day traveling to and from the island to get cleaned up on Saturday. Friday was very far out. I attended a very cramped party in one of the hotel rooms. Many drink and merriment to go around! It ended early due too noise and shortage of said space. Actually, it moved but I didn't follow.

I'm sorry to cut this short but I have work at 9am.

2004-07-12 20:44:23 ET

i want to go to a hotel party. i never understand how they don't get broken up as easily as house parties are by cops

2004-07-21 16:16:17 ET

yea, i woke up at like 9 every morning to get up and let people go to sleep.

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