Simpler times...
2004-11-08 11:42:03 ET

Junior high, star wars cards, star trek books and good krock music. That's right, GOOD krock music. ...and them far out computer-like games.

2004-11-08 13:21:49 ET

my have the days faded, yuppies now rule the planet with one exception, George W Bush

2004-11-08 13:49:10 ET

hahahaha, yep. I wanna get an Ipod with Ron's employee discount and throw on a couple of techno tracks so that I can call myself an "Ipod carrying/techno listening yuppie" =)

2004-11-08 18:20:06 ET

if u were serious i'd have to kill you

2004-11-08 20:24:46 ET

I love Staten Island techno. It's so stupid. And by "Staten Island techno" I mean the stuff you hear blasting from people's cars when they're stopped at a traffic light while you cross the street.

It's the most basic, repetetive, one note music ever. It makes me wonder how anyone can make money producing this type of music since everything sounds the same and a three year old with a MIDI keyboard can make one in 5 minutes.

2004-11-10 12:54:02 ET

I wrote my own Staten Island techno song! Here's the mail loop:

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

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