2003-06-28 15:23:40 ET

I was just surfing the triple dubyas when I came upon (the band I saw at lamours last weekend). I found that one of the guitarists has the same last name as me! You may all be wondering whats so special about that. Well, you would understand if your last name was "Maglio"

I present to you Anthony Maglio, one of the best guitarist I have ever seen perform:

Honestly, Ant was pretty amazing! I honestly remember his tight rhythms and melodic solos.

2003-07-01 01:58:53 ET

triple dubyas? triple dubyas?!?

2003-07-01 07:30:27 ET

Yep, The World Wide Web = three Ws = triple dubyas

2003-07-02 19:22:43 ET

i was gonna say.....we don't need any more George B.'s if we can help it......

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