2003-12-04 14:02:31 ET

Travel tonight.
Won't be back till monday.
But, I have a new job. :)
And all is well.
over and out.

2003-12-04 14:03:36 ET

Oh have fun travelling! It's so much, I love going to new places. Where are you going?

2003-12-04 14:05:19 ET

Thanks, i'm going to Atlanta.
Never been there before.

2003-12-04 14:09:18 ET

It;s nice and warm there.

2003-12-04 14:15:30 ET

I hope so anyway

2003-12-04 15:14:14 ET

have fun, Zoe!!!!!

2003-12-04 15:14:49 ET

thanks :)

2003-12-04 15:45:31 ET

enjoy the trip :)

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