Hocka Locka
2003-12-16 08:00:00 ET

Pfft. So I didn't have to work last night.
So I slept for like 17 hours. No, really, I could lay back down and sleep some more right now.
And the annoying thing about being on this gd computer right now is all of the f-ing pop-ups that are occuring.
It's driving me insane!

But...aside all that I work tonight.
Have a sore throat, need some coffee,
someone to be sarcastic to.
Because it's all bottling up in my head.
And I really don't want to start talking to myself.

2003-12-16 08:24:35 ET

that's a hell of a lotta sleepin!

2003-12-16 09:01:11 ET

I know its crazy. I havent slept that long in I can't even remember.
But I don't need coffee right now because im awake, so thats good i guess

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