Update from the desert
2004-07-18 09:44:12 ET

We got here on Friday in the evening after nearly three days on the road. The scenery was rockin until we got into Arkansas, I now have a state to dislike. (sorry people that are from there)
Things since we got here have been on the ups and downs. But it's only the second actual day here, so perhaps things will look up.
There is alot of horrible pressure in my head.
But it's nice to be able to go outside when the weather is in the 100's and not feel like you are being hugged by the heat.
Shade, is wonderful. I forgot how nice that is.

2004-07-18 11:49:05 ET

where are you going?

2004-07-25 18:40:18 ET

where am i going?

2004-07-26 10:20:19 ET

or rather where did you drive to?

2004-07-30 20:25:48 ET

Texas, and now back to Virgina

2004-07-30 20:25:58 ET

Next to Flordia

2004-08-22 12:53:08 ET

yeah thats alot.

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