2004-02-28 11:22:15 ET

i've become aware of a deterioration in my positive attitude. my recent dealings with one "lady friend" has brought back a little bitterness that came to a head last night. My attitude toward said ladyfriend has bled to other areas of my everyday life. I'm not pleased with this at all. I don't want to digress back into the bitter Pete that i was before. So, I've made a conscious effort to get this under control today. so, if i start posting negatively again, someone please simply tell me to get it together and get back on with being the quintessential nice guy that is Pete. :) much love

2004-02-28 11:51:47 ET

That's a good attitude to have. We can't allow our suffering to affect those around us.

2004-02-28 13:19:53 ET

if you ever feel that the world is coming down on you:

look up pictures of chimps in people clothes on google.
and if the lady-friend is getting you down, try pasting chimp heads over her head in pictures you have.

i did that in reverse (girl head on chimp body) and showed the girl. she laughed.

2004-02-28 13:25:02 ET

We love nice guy Pete <3<3

2004-02-28 13:26:04 ET

*all blushes and smiles*

2004-02-28 13:26:18 ET

<3 <3 <3 <3

2004-02-28 13:28:42 ET

<3<3 dont let her get ya down, hun

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