2004-02-29 10:30:20 ET

my sister, Sena, just got out of surgery. she is getting worse. would any of you please pray for her? i'm very very worried this time.

2004-02-29 10:32:12 ET

I believe that prayers by unbelievers are still heard... I hope she gets better.

2004-02-29 10:46:17 ET

thanks. :) i meant no offense. I believe that also.

2004-02-29 11:39:17 ET

You definitely got my prayers man.

2004-02-29 11:39:53 ET

thank you so much!

2004-02-29 12:28:24 ET

You know Ill pray for her, Pete <3

2004-02-29 14:25:50 ET

No problem man, I just wish I could do more for you

2004-02-29 15:09:40 ET

cowboy: that alone is worth more than you know, thank you.

2004-02-29 15:09:51 ET

thankyou pretty girl! <3 <3

2004-03-01 15:14:49 ET

i'm on it

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