heck yizzah!!!
2004-09-15 21:02:42 ET

So, the points came out for the mos changeover and guess who just got picked up for Sergeant!!??!!?? Thats right, ME
woooooooooooohooooooooooo!!! As of october you will be talking officially to Sergeant Miller!

2004-09-15 21:51:22 ET


2004-09-15 22:32:34 ET

wow cool deal... :::salutes:::

2004-09-16 05:40:00 ET

thank you!!!

2004-09-16 05:40:39 ET

*returns salute*

2004-09-16 06:25:19 ET

holy shite--congrats!!!

2004-09-16 06:27:26 ET

thanks :)

2004-09-16 08:39:18 ET

what is this world coming to? YOURE making Sgt? I thought you were destined to be a career specialist like everyone else! Huzzah! Congrats. Just add it to the list of celebrating you will be doing when you get home. :)

2004-09-16 09:38:15 ET

*blows kisses at you* that is fucking awesome daddy! you deserve it hun!!!!!! <333 congratulations!

2004-09-16 12:12:06 ET


2004-09-17 11:53:14 ET


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