The facade we hide behind
2006-04-11 00:39:37 ET

It is of interesting note to me the similiarities existing between ancient tribal cultures and more contemperary life styles. In certain tribes of Africa it is considered beautiful to have the lip plate in one's lip, or incredible gaugings on earings, so on and so forth. I would think that this must be piece of our collective unconsious of which Car Jung spoke of so elloquently. I say this because of the exact semi-bizarre ideals of beauty held in places like Orange County, where it's considered attractive to rip out one's eyebrows only to redraw them with pencils, or inject shrew saliva into one's face to paralize the muscles.

2006-04-11 05:01:11 ET

shrew saliva huh

2006-04-12 10:47:17 ET

yeah, shrew saliva is being considered as a healthier alternative to Botox.

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