Siesta Keys Florida
2006-01-12 11:12:43 ET

i saw this picture and the first thing that came to mind was, i wanna go home.

i know that Florida hasnt been my home in 12 years, but i feel home sick almost.. its odd.

I'm trying to push the thought out of my head, its hard.

2006-01-12 11:30:13 ET

SO I am geussing by commenting on this you will come back here sooner and see the picture thus making you want to go home even more.

2006-01-12 20:14:34 ET

but everytime i taste polluted air and see a crackhead or junky i just wanna go back home to queens!

2006-01-14 11:13:48 ET

Yes, i do wanna go home more now! death to you!

but james, people die in Queens, not in the Florida Keys

2006-01-14 12:46:26 ET

umm peple die just as much in florida as they do in nyc.

its all about crazy people and hurricanes. you do the math.

2006-01-14 14:53:33 ET

ya, the hurricanes kinda take away from the happiness.
how about iceland?

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