Working after hours..
2004-10-27 08:52:35 ET

Gawd it annoys me that I'm going to spend two hours, from 8:30PM to 10:30PM, to discuss workrelated matters..Especially when I have to get up 05:45AM tomorrow.. baaad timing, if you ask me.
For the record, the time here is now: 07:50PM CET.
On the other hand, I will get two hours overtime for this, and be able to leave early from work som other time :)
Just slept like a log for about an hour.. my head feels heavy and not quite awake yet. Should make som interessting obervations from my part on the children :D
Well, better go get a cigarette while I still have some free time.

2004-10-27 09:06:44 ET

welcome to sk!

2004-10-27 09:23:50 ET

Welcome to SK smoke one for me

2004-10-27 09:55:10 ET

Welcome to SK, glad to see you finally made it :-)

2004-10-27 11:54:35 ET


2004-10-27 22:07:36 ET


2004-10-28 00:09:27 ET

To avoid repitition:
Curry aji no unko ka unko aji no curry ka docchi ga ii?
(welcome :D)

2004-10-28 03:15:03 ET

Thank you, made my day to see so many friendly massages here :))

2004-10-28 09:21:06 ET

Late, as per usual :) Welcome to SK!

2004-11-04 09:56:38 ET

welcome. :)

2004-11-04 19:23:34 ET

Thanks, love to get these messages when it is 0600AM and dark outside, makes it seem less hellish to get up in the morning :)

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