Halloweenie super happy fun!
2003-10-13 17:36:14 ET

hey kids..

wanna make your own "Love potion number 9", of course you do!

first ask an adult to help you..all ya need is

-a large bowl
-one can pineapple juice
-a 2 liter of 7 up
-food coloring of your choice
-ice cubes
-a couple drops of G.H.B.

enjoy and happy halloween kids!

2003-10-13 17:39:27 ET

beep beep
is too cute

2003-10-13 19:07:07 ET

thats adorable. now i just gotta find some G.H.B.

2003-10-13 20:52:34 ET

I can sell ya all some GBL, it mixes with the acids and turns to GHB in your stomach, and GBL is legal!

2003-10-13 21:24:00 ET

lol... hrmm i think i might have to try that, erm i mean thats not very safe halloween play ;)

2003-10-20 09:05:32 ET


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