2004-08-14 16:15:57 ET

A is for age: um.. real ladies never tell
B is for boyfriend: yeah.. one that never calls.. wanna trade?
C is for career: hope to be nurse.. as of now i am a deli clerk at Sobey's and i go to schoool
D is for dad's name: Michael Alec
E is for essential item to bring to a party: Good Clean FUN
F is for favorite song at the moment: Demolition Lovers by My chemical romance
G is for good movie you recently saw: SHREK
H is for hometown: Oshawa, Ontario
I is for instruments you play: harmonica (SHUT UP, i am a nerd i know)
J is for jewel that you like: diamonds ARE a girl's best friend
K is for kids:um no i pass
L is for living arrangements: with my dad, bro and nana
M is for mom's name: who cares.. she has forgotten mine.
N is for number of people you've slept with: um.. why do you care??
O is for overnight hospital stays: 2 once when i was a baby.. and then in grade nine
P is for phobia[s]: commitment
Q is for quote you like: "how much can fit into 21 grams?"
R is for right, what's on your right: a bag of money.. from the uh.. uh oh said to much
S is for say something, anything: i hate that lying son of a bitch
T is for time you wake up: 8:30am
U is for unique trait(s): my spontinuity, and compassion
V is for vegetable you love: broccoli
W is for worst habit: over analyzing things!
X is for x-rays you've had: 2
Y is for yummy food you make: RICE in a bowl
Z is for zodiac sign: Sagittarius

omg.. i feel like crap.. i can't spend the rest of my life regretting that i stayed with him.

2004-08-14 17:17:29 ET

I'd call you. :)

2004-08-14 19:10:46 ET

but you haven't yet!!!!

2004-08-14 21:46:47 ET

with who?

2004-08-15 04:50:17 ET

my boyfriend.

2004-08-15 11:29:29 ET

oh. well you just gotta be sure about stuff.

2004-08-16 04:15:57 ET

and this one i am definetly not sure about.

2004-08-16 10:54:44 ET

then think things through (that is a lot of Ts)

2004-08-16 18:35:20 ET

i think we are broken up.

2004-08-16 22:13:33 ET

uh oh.

2004-08-17 05:49:46 ET

its not a bad thing.

2004-08-17 15:28:46 ET

well thats good.

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