i'd rather die than cry over you.
2004-08-17 05:58:24 ET

i went away for four days.. and he said that within those four days he changed.. he grew up and realized that he's been a complete asshole..so like the freak i am i believed him.. he calls me up and says lets hang out all day tomorrow just you and me... around 3 his friend calls and asks him to go out later on.. so he turns to me and says "what time are you leaving?" ... no body changes in four days. then i got burned with his cigarette.

then he has the nerve to message me and say that i don't know what i am talking about, that i am a hypocrite, that i don't believe him, and then he said that i don't love him.. and he's right. i don't. i refuse to spend my days with someone who is going no where.. who makes me feel absolutely horrible.

i talked to will last night.. my brother is obsessed with him. good lord. but he's cute.. *sigh* lol.

2004-08-17 15:40:07 ET

good job! i mean that sincerely. did he burn you on purpose?

2004-08-17 18:34:03 ET

i don't think so.. but it hurt.

2004-08-18 15:03:59 ET


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