What's in a name?
2004-08-14 13:10:58 ET

Name Meaning: All Honey
Name Origin: Greek
Number of Syllables: 3.00
Gender: Female

More interesting facts about the name Pamela:

Lucky Number: 3
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Primary Color: Yellow
Traits: The investigator; the scientist; the seeker. An interest in material rather than the spiritual. Ideas on religion frequently change. Has a great sense of humor. Not greatly interested in money. Very trusting, yet likes to know the "why" and the "how".
See what your name says about you at http://www.thenamesite.com/
Heh, make sure to post your answers so that I may judge wether or not it is accurate, my traits are actually relatively accurate, save for the very trusting aspect. ^_^

2004-08-14 13:33:42 ET


Name Meaning: Laurel-Crowned
Name Origin: Scandinavian
Number of Syllables: 1.00
Gender: Male

More interesting facts about the name Lars:

Lucky Number: 5
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Primary Color: Blue
Traits: Active, both physically and mentally. Inquiring, exploring. Fond of reading and researching. Good at languages. Would make a very good teacher, writer, secretary. Makes friends easily. Usually methodical and orderly; adept at simplifying systems.

eh...its hit or miss ;-P
yours is damn close to you, though

2004-08-14 17:53:36 ET

Name Origin: German
Number of Syllables: 2.00
Gender: Male

More interesting facts about the name William:

Lucky Number: 7
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Primary Color: Violet
Traits: Frequently possesses E.S.P. Extremely "psychic"; Introvert. Although s/he does not say much, s/he usually knows a great deal. Mysterious. Often interested in psychology, psychiatry, chemistry, and botany. Knowledgeable in astrology and all fields of the occult. Fond of fishing. Inclined to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots".

Holy hell, this is the most antonymic paragraph I've seen in relation to my personality. Its incredibly precise in its innacuracy. I'm an athiest/scientist/skeptic, and I'm not particularly fond of fishing, unless I'm inebriated in some way. Oh well, it was good for a laugh!

2004-08-14 19:06:16 ET

Heh, that was the purpose of this exercise, I have never depended on an online quiz or site to tell me something profound about myself, though I teasingly tell people I do, ah, it passes the time!

2004-08-15 15:31:46 ET

Name Origin: Latin
Number of Syllables: 3.00
Gender: Male

More interesting facts about the name Anthony:

Lucky Number: 7
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Primary Color: Violet
Traits: Frequently possesses E.S.P. Extremely "psychic"; Introvert. Although s/he does not say much, s/he usually knows a great deal. Mysterious. Often interested in psychology, psychiatry, chemistry, and botany. Knowledgeable in astrology and all fields of the occult. Fond of fishing. Inclined to take from the "haves" and give to the "have nots".

2004-08-16 13:11:52 ET

Name Origin: French
Number of Syllables: 2.00
Gender: Female

More interesting facts about the name Monique:

Lucky Number: 4
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Element: Air
Primary Color: Green
Traits: Inclined to appear strange and eccentric because s/he is usually ahead of her/his time. Very interested in the occult; in psychic research. Inclined to do anyting out of the ordinary. Strong intuitive tendencies. Can be bitingly sarcastic if crossed. Believes in liberty and equality. Can usually predict the probable outcome of actions and businesses.

Name Origin: Greek
Number of Syllables: 4.00
Gender: Female

More interesting facts about the name Alexandra:

Lucky Number: 8
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Primary Color: Rose
Traits: Inclined to be cold and pessimistic. Not much sense of humor. Often slow getting off the mark but usually ends up ahead of the game. Successful, especially where money is concerned. Frequently connected with mining, real estate and the law. Also with cemeteries and pawnshops. Believes that hard work never killed anyone. Often prepossessed with thoughts of the past.

hahaha. these are actually pretty close. especially the first one since it's my first name.

2004-08-17 16:55:06 ET

by the way, I think its hilarious that your name means "all honey"

2004-08-17 22:33:59 ET

Heh, what, I am not as sweet as honey....ha, don't answer that!

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