I wonder...
2007-11-15 17:28:50 ET

Why everyone is so bloody angsty all the time, maybe it is just me but it seems to be the new hip thing to be... oh wait, it's not new at all.
I have financial issues up the yin yang, but I am not lamenting about it, I don't even want to hear about my own problems, I cannot imagine forcing other people to read about it.
I suppose there is some sort of empathy or sympathy complex at work here, if you read about someone else' issues you can perhaps identify with them and their situation.
I guess my emotional retardation is at play here since I cannot understand it, but my empathy/sympathy for others, even people I know, is practically non-existent, it always has been.
That being said, I might not whine about my problems, but I will bloody well rant about things, I enjoy ranting more than lamenting, I have come to that conclusion, maybe is a sympton of my violent and dominant pathology... I should really try to curb that.
" I am equal parts cynicism and apathy, I am always willing to believe the worst as long as it doesn't take too much effort." - Dennis Miller

2007-11-15 18:13:04 ET

"I guess my emotional retardation is at play here since I cannot understand it, but my empathy/sympathy for others, even people I know, is practically non-existent, it always has been."

It's always comforing to know that if i'm ever truely in need, you won't give a damn. Wait, this is Pam, what else is new? =p

2007-11-15 18:15:37 ET

:-( you should comment on my angry car problems post. >8-O


2007-11-16 05:15:30 ET

heh that quote is great

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