stress?! i don't have time for it.
2004-02-27 08:08:02 ET

so much to do so little time!
between now and wednesday I have:
-30 online hw Q's due monday for Env. Eng., due mon.
-an assignment for electronics, due wed.
-an assignment due in aerboics due tues.
-a quiz in unigraphics tues.
-a quiz in electronics lab tues.
-a midterm in env. eng. wednsday
-a midterm in supply chain mgmt. wednesday

then it's smoooooth sailing right into spring break at 5:30pm wednesday. my thursday classes are too easy to care about.
I went home last night and i got my hair cut in town and it's absolutely wonderful. i also got an eyebrow wax and listened in on all the town gossip. and it was only a whopping $17. i love my small town! and Becky and Sue, the ladies at the salon, are absolutely great. i hate paying over $40 for a cut, blow dry and wax in Lansing.

Off to court I go to fight this stupid ticket I got. wish me luck!

2004-02-27 08:12:58 ET

give the man the finger.

2004-02-27 09:05:57 ET

i always wondered what would happen if you gave a cop the finger.

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