2003-03-31 23:58:50 ET

Whelp, today turned out to be slightly unproductive, but good, anyway.

I called a cosmetology school today. Turns out they're more of an apprenticeship program. Which is awesome, cuz I don't have to pay 10k to go there. I'm still researching it, but it would be awesome if it checked out.

Loki and I went to go talk to the people at the computer store where we bought our router. They gave us a suggestion that obviously worked, so YAY! After that, we went to this really neat store called Pkarash Enterprises, which is a retail/wholesale store. Very neat stuff. Loki bought me an early bday present, which is a 16" dragon...she's so pretty!! :]

From there, we headed to our local indian restaurant and had mucho good food...and then...ZELDA!! Muahaha!

And now bed :P

2003-04-01 00:25:19 ET

i want zelda!

2003-04-01 09:33:17 ET

it's easy! Go to google and look up "SNES Emulators" Download an emulator, then look up "SNES roms" and look for zelda :]

2003-04-01 10:12:04 ET

ah, well, that works...

although i was also thinking about the new game that everyone is touting as the greatest thing ever...lol

2003-04-01 20:09:04 ET

oh, the four swords thing? I haven't played it...i doubt there's a rom for it, yet :P

2003-04-01 22:43:39 ET

well there is that one, yes...thats for game boy ;-P

im talkin about the wind waker, actually...lol

2003-04-01 23:35:59 ET

never hoid of it :P

2003-04-01 23:38:53 ET

wowza...lol...its the new gamecube zelda game which sold out the day it was released and had long lines waiting outside of video game stores around the nation of folks wanting to get their paws on it ;-P

oh well...i guess if you're more into the old school you wouldnt know...lol...im just a nerd

2003-04-02 15:41:27 ET

lol...im just getting into the video game thing, actually...I wanted to play more recent versions of Zelda, but Loki said that if I'm gonna play it, I have to start from the beginning...but I can skip the second one if I want :P So I beat the first game, and am in the process of beating the third. :]

2003-04-03 00:46:42 ET

lol...eh...the zelda storyline jumps around so freakin much it doesnt entirely matter...the first zelda game i ever played was ocarina of time which came out in <thinks>...somewhere between 98 and 2000...

2003-04-03 00:47:58 ET

i think that's the one i'm playing, now...with tons of missions and shit...damn, I think my head will explode.

2003-04-03 00:53:18 ET

an interesting tidbit: according to the games' creators, in each new game the character 'link' is a new character of a different generation/time period in the world...it's like a line of lineage or something like that..."the chosen one"...i dunno...its weird considering princess zelda must never age then...unless all the princesses throughout time are named 'zelda' too...they sortof release more info on the whole story with each game that's released but its still rather shrouded in mystery and darned complex

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