How am I doing on music now?
2003-07-31 22:24:44 ET

I don’t know if anyone remembers this and this thing I had I year ago about I had to do like a sort of audition to see how was I improving on the violin. Well, I’ll be doing it again, but this time I’ll be playing the cello! Heh, cool, something different but nice, well I’ll also be playing violin, but I’m not sure what to play I haven’t decided, I was thinking on maybe the Godfather’s Love theme or the Mario Bros. theme or maybe a movement from the first cello suite by Bach arranged for violin, I can’t decide, We’ll see later.
Oh and I don’t care how geeky this sounds but I’ll be downloading the whole album of the Zelda Ocarina of Time Soundtrack, all the 80 tracks, and if I get to find the Zelda Majora’s Mask I will too, I wsih I could but them but I’ve barely seen them on internet for shipping imported. One day I’ll buy them.

2003-07-31 22:28:53 ET

I think you should do the first cello suite by Bach

2003-08-01 04:44:39 ET

I was thinking Godfathers love theme...just for kicks..=}
Bach would deffinately be more serious...and apropriate

2003-08-04 07:25:42 ET

Yeh, I ended up playing the Godfather's love theme, because they told that Bach would be too formal for this such event... I also played the cello on string ensemble, yet I wanted the teachers to play something but they didn't, so it actually was pretty boring to me.

2003-08-04 10:35:47 ET

Eh, sorry

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