Damn me to the patheticness forever!!!!!!
2002-11-27 09:19:30 ET

I... I... am... so fucking... fucking miserable... fucking dirt... damn shit... I... o... ok... here it goes...

It happened the same like before, like that time, but this time I was even more coward; it was almolst the same... a cloudy day, I sat behind, I stared in awe, and I didn't do anything... I just... need more time to... think clearly... to calm down... to stop trembling...

I wish I could say like others that I'm nothing, but I do am something, negative, I am fucking human waste, fucking dirt!

2002-11-27 11:24:52 ET

*hug* you aren't, so don't say you're a waste.

2002-11-27 11:55:20 ET

no you are not!

2002-11-27 17:38:26 ET

there will be a right time. i would rather wait than say something too soon and look/feel like an ass.. i dunno

2002-11-30 15:41:32 ET

Mmh... thanks. Though, I don't know perhaps I'm damned to have always the same view forever...

2002-11-30 15:42:58 ET

you are. until you do something about it.

2002-12-04 08:53:05 ET

What shall I do? ...what if she is starting to get annoyed by this... I'm such a failure...

2002-12-04 14:23:00 ET

no you're not. look...just one day go up to her and talk to her. face to face. push everything behind you and get up enough balls to talk to her!

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