Mia's Back in Town!
2005-10-06 18:53:22 ET

Here I am after almost two weeks of healing. Things have been super busy as I am trying to make up work and a lot of missed homework.
The operation went well, although when they were removing my gall bladder they found that a gall stone had snuck out and was causing some serious problems with my liver. For the three days before the operation I was not able to eat or drink anything. I thought it was just nerves but apparently I did have something to worry about. Soo after my first operation they let me rest for a couple of hours before they put back under and performed a second operation to remove the sneaky stone. By the time they got to the second procedure I had started to turn yellow with jaundice. Afterwards everything went well. I stayed the night in the hospital and the next day my mother took me home to Sierra Vista to recoop with friends, family, and pets. I was there for a week. My beloved, Matt, spent almost every hour that he wasn't at work by my side.
I guess this would be a good time to introduce Matt. We've been dating for over 10 weeks now. He is a soldier in the Army and was stationed at Ft. huachuca when we met. He's absolutly wonderful. I'm very much in love with him. I've never been told "I love you" so fast in a relationship, and I've never said it so fast, but I've never felt it so true before.
On October 2 he was deployed to Iraq. I miss him very much. I got very spoiled on being able to see him everyday that I was in Sierra Vista and talking to him on the phone every evening that I was here in Flagstaff. He will be there for the next year. I'll be here waiting for him when he gets back. We'll figure out from there where things will go. We've got it figured out but we are both mature enough to realize things could change in a year. I guess that's my way of saying that I am engaged.
I've got a lot of other wonderful things to say about him, but for now I have to get back to my homework.

2005-10-07 05:19:46 ET

EEE!!!! *hug* Engaged!
Oh, wow. That's so wonderful. :D

2005-10-08 07:57:16 ET

*hug* thanks. I was just able to get my mother on the phone to tell her and she was happy to hear the news.

2005-10-08 08:58:54 ET

well, yeah!

2005-10-24 11:40:13 ET

Congrats MD. You deserve it.

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