2002-11-27 20:03:29 ET

Soooo here I am. I dont know what I am doing....
Whooo it feels realy weird in here. Music is quiet.
Slow, a bit remissed...

You're Insanly Mad


What type of Insanity are YOU?

Test by Snow Katt#101</small>

What Kind of Virgin Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

2002-11-27 20:50:25 ET

You're Insanly Quiet


What type of Insanity are YOU?

Test by Snow Katt#101</small>

ok. that was so off, its hilarious.

2002-12-01 13:09:49 ET

Ha Ha...well I don t know you sooo I don t know how accurate it was

2002-12-01 13:17:40 ET

i'm not quiet at all. haha. how accurate was yours?

2002-12-01 15:34:20 ET

Hmmmmm....I would say that I am mad a lot.
Ya know mad at the world. HA!
but anyway, I do get "riled"(sp?) up easily.

2002-12-01 15:38:36 ET

so do i. i think yours was more accurate for me than mine was. haha

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