2002-12-11 03:39:41 ET

It Snowed!!!!
~does litle snow dance~
I have been waiting EVERY day for it to snow
and it snowed while I was asleep!


These are the houses out back of my apartment.
Heh, see how I look down on them....heh

Ya know what pisses me off about it.
I have to work.

2002-12-11 03:44:59 ET

that snow is beautiful

2002-12-11 04:13:04 ET

It looks beautiful out there, I'm jealous. Have a good day at work.

2002-12-11 04:49:30 ET

pretty picturesssss I want snow tooo!!!

2002-12-11 06:43:44 ET

wow: it's so beautiful out there: i wish the snow looked like that here:

2002-12-11 17:54:35 ET

our snow looks like ass because it all now, every north lawn is full of snow, and every south lawn is full of grass

2002-12-11 19:02:04 ET

by the time I got off of work it was all gone!
We haven t had a good snow here in like two years...
This is the longest its stayed...what I got to see of it.
all melted except where it got shovled into black mound.

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