2002-12-22 16:02:56 ET

I won a few items on ebay!
I m looking forward to some very fluffy dreads of happy
poofy goodness.

and I also got some black TOO!!!!

2003-01-07 07:42:17 ET

I was wondering what y'all made those lovely dreds from.

I ordered a spinning wheel last week, and have thought about trying to spin some dreds.

2003-01-07 08:30:43 ET

AHHHH! YES! That would be really awesome!
I just felted mine with my hands, but I have a felting mat
coming my way. I WISH I had a spinning wheel.

2003-01-08 19:28:31 ET

I've been wanting one for a long time. Now if I could only have some Angora goats in my suburban hell neighborhood I could have mondo mohair. w00t!

have you ever tried drop spindles? they're cheap and work really well. that's what I've been using so far.

I do have a pound and a half of natural silver color mohair roving. I've been saving it for the day when I get a wheel. :)

2003-01-10 05:13:01 ET

A drop spindle....I wouldn t even know how to use one.
Is it hard....I m sure I could find out a HOW TO on the
net somehow. Would it make the fat and thin yarn like this?

Sweet.....on the silver mohair!

2003-01-10 22:35:11 ET

yarn spun by new spinners tends to be thick and thin. At least until the spinner gets in lots of practice, then it gets hard to make it go thick and thin on purpose. :) There are some great spinners resources on the net. The spindlers group on yahoo groups are a fun bunch.

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