2003-01-05 04:33:13 ET

...owuwch...i really hurt myself playing paintball yesterday...its was not cool...i slipped in a puddle of paint and fell straight down on my ass, my first response was that i thought i broke my back because i couldn't move right away....or breathe...but now i basically know i had strained/sprain my lateral muscle group bruised my lower back and knocked the hell out of myself....jesus all this from a standing position...hate to see what would happen with some heighth....oh well...it was a rec ball game indoors due to the snow...i had to sit out most of the games cause i just couldn't bend or move...in the end i was determined to play so i limped out and played defensive for a bit....i payed for it when i got home...i still can't bend over enough to touch my toes or rotate my torso fully with out pain...todays a bit better but...fuck ...ouch...

i think i play on that field to much...we walk in and there was about 30 to 40 players waiting in the sign in / staging area and even with a packed staging area the kids at the counter still recognized us and started joking with us...its about damn time nate and i find a team...

2003-01-07 20:18:57 ET

I hope you start to feel better soon.

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