2008-07-03 11:24:37 ET

A collage I finished earlier today, touched up a bit on photoshop.
He's dissecting...something.
For science.

images involved:

- Norway rat
- physician Charles Armstrong
- fresco depiction of Saint Ambrose
- various anatomical illustrations
- leaf beetle of the cryptocephalus genus
- various moths
- worm
- polypore mushrooms
- snail shell

2008-07-03 12:01:01 ET

That's awesome

2008-07-03 15:47:15 ET

+1 fan.

2008-07-03 23:32:50 ET

very nice!

2008-07-04 03:24:17 ET


2008-07-04 03:40:01 ET

you're really good at this shit yo.

2008-08-08 23:22:39 ET

this is absolutely wonderful

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