you know what the Monty Python boys say....
2004-01-15 18:47:53 ET

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

2004-01-15 20:16:34 ET

what a show!!! The Inquisition.......*breaks out in song and dance*

2004-01-15 20:21:49 ET

*grins* I <3 Monty Python

What else floats on water????

2004-01-15 20:35:23 ET

wood? (but my question is what type of wood?)

2004-01-15 20:37:42 ET

*giggles* you're adorable ;)

2004-01-15 20:38:19 ET

not as much as you are! <3

2004-01-15 20:41:42 ET

awww *hugs* <3 much love <3 tanks ;)

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