FYI for anyone who would be lookin for moi
2004-03-01 18:03:45 ET

Why am I so silly?

I haven't had any sleep yet...3 hours since yesturday...and I've got homework to do still. Go me.

So yeah I may be on tonight, I may not haha. I have plans to sign on again after I finish my reading, but of course that all depends on if I pass out or not.

I did room cleaning again today, should have read instead of that, but oh well, at least I was productive.

Ok off to finish my homework...

<3 much love all <3

2004-03-01 19:39:23 ET

lol...i know that feeling, but i normally can never get my room clean

2004-03-01 19:46:34 ET

well unfortunately my room still looks semi-messy only cause, what i cleaned was stuff in my drawers and such haha

2004-03-01 19:49:47 ET

lol i do that too...

2004-03-01 19:57:00 ET

it's gotta be done sometime

2004-03-01 21:03:49 ET

woooooo time to paassksjjgkgjll;kjg;lkjjjjjjjjjjjj *what happens when you take ambien and not ready for bed*

2004-03-01 21:07:35 ET

:-) i made it just in time not to miss ya :::celebrates:::*jumps around*

2004-03-01 21:07:44 ET

yeah and i'm still awake

2004-03-01 21:08:33 ET

*hugs* :-* i was lucky

2004-03-01 21:10:15 ET

yes indeed you were, not like i'll get much sleep this weekend *shakes head* vilola will keep me up i'm sure haha.

must get sleep before you visit though *nodnod*

2004-03-01 21:12:01 ET

yea... hopefully it is sooner then later... current events make me so angered :-P haha...
but i'm not gonna loose no hope haha... i'm gonna do what it takes... haha...
(hopefully that doesn't involve a car chase and jail time :::fingers crossed:::) haha

2004-03-01 21:14:38 ET

i do not want to turn on the tv and see air footage of them chasing you down the highway mister!

2004-03-01 21:15:52 ET

(hangs out window)... *fist in air*... you will never catch me alive... ::::looses control of wheel while hangin' from the window:::

2004-03-01 21:26:17 ET

and none of that either! geesh you gotta make it here alive and without any outstanding warrents hehe

2004-03-01 21:53:38 ET

hahaha... i can promise the alive... but the warrant thing is hard to come by... we'll have to see hahaha :-P

2004-03-01 22:04:47 ET

no trouble witht he police

2004-03-01 22:06:03 ET

ahh the police and sheriffs like me... it's the dmv and state troopers that have a problem O_o

2004-03-01 22:40:03 ET

dmv...or satan's asshole

2004-03-01 22:44:59 ET

hahaha... (the wait wasn't as bad after the punch in the face)

2004-03-01 22:50:22 ET

hey..hey...i'm going to go...go on the power wheel..yeah yeah..and just..go play some ball..yeah...

hehe i wanna be "hopped up on the Q"

2004-03-01 23:11:00 ET

hahaha... (wonders what the Q is O_o?)

2004-03-02 09:01:46 ET

hah you don't remember that part? where he's talking about how when he was a kid, he snorted Nestle Quik powder..."cause you know quik..speed...i thought there was a connection"

2004-03-03 00:52:49 ET

hahaha... it's been awhile since i seen it... err... it must of slipped me mind :-(

2004-03-03 07:02:15 ET

hehe i have the dvd so you can watch it many times over lata :)

2004-03-03 07:04:20 ET

sounds like a plan :-D

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