Another day gone...
2005-11-17 17:26:34 ET

With one paper down, and one to go, I'm taking a small (and i do mean small since it's due monday) break from the whole "i'm a college student" crap.

you know, i should friggin be graduated by now if i wasn't so damn lazy. i "had" to take 2 years off after high school, go me for being the smart one. and now with the fact that i dropped a class this semester (damn i'm lazy) i'm back to 51 hours to go...funk me! hopefully i can get some internet courses over the summer so i can get some basics down, i'm still avoiding Com 101, I'll prolly be the oldest person in the class except the teacher, and hell I could even be older than them at this rate.

I called today to check on that job I applied and interviewed for, Justin (the manager I interviewed with) wasn't in so some girl, who didn't quite grasp the fact that the phone doesn't really start transmittin sound the SECOND you pick it up so i don't know her name, picked up and told me he was off today and would be in by 3 tomorrow. she took my name and a message and told me if i didn't hear from him by tomorrow evening to give him a call. what's with these people can they not use a phone?! I'm jsut hoping it wasn't the same girl who didn't give him the stuff i asked her to give him (my schedule and the days i would need off) of course since he didnt' get that and I totally spaced it in the interview, he doesn't know about rob thomas (the weekend after thanksgiving) or jamaica (the weekend before christmas..or two weekends, whatever).

Oh, speaking of my paper, if anyone is interested in reading it, just to give me some feedback that may prepare me for how shitty my grade is going to be, feel free to PM me or reply and I can email it to you, I really need some non-biased opinons. Not that it matters since I already turned it in, but it may help me on the next paper. which I realized tonight is essentially the same thing ..."state what has already been researched, state your opinion, and state how you would either improve up said topic or come up with a new idea" ...great!

you know sometimes I just love being me!

peace out

2005-11-17 18:15:43 ET

I'm thinking about a winter jazz dance course.

What's the paper about?

2005-11-18 12:31:50 ET

whether or not reintegration programs help reduce recidivism of offenders.

i had to find research already done on the topic, and then come up with a new research project but not actually do it. blah blah blah.

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