I NEED to see Grindhouse
2007-03-20 08:03:43 ET

I wanna see Grindhouse on the 6th I think. Both movies look good but the first one looks a lot much more worth watching. I think I'ma go see it when it comes out.


2007-03-20 10:05:13 ET

I think I would rather have the $8 for the ticket.

2007-03-20 16:58:07 ET

Lol huh?

2007-03-21 10:10:45 ET

just looks like a stupid movie

2007-03-21 10:16:53 ET

How? It looks awesome, well, the first one does, with the girl that has the gun attached to her leg. That's AWESOME.

2007-03-21 10:48:02 ET

It looks STUPID. But, being male, you'll love it. I just need more than random explosions and gunfights to coax $8 out of my pocket for a movie.

2007-03-21 17:34:52 ET

Lol, exaactly, that's why I want to see it.

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