I feel like beating this bitch in the face with a bag of rocks
2004-11-21 11:40:20 ET

[ mood | disgust ]
[ music | Klinik - Moving Hands(Tim Schuldt remix) ]

This was brought to my attention by DJ Hellraver from TERRORFAKT.

"There's an artist, Nathalia Edenmont, who kills cats, mice, doves, RABBITS, and other animals, mutilates their bodies, and then takes their photographs. She's on exhibit, among other places, at the Wetterling Gallery in Sweden. She has taken the top halves of five white mice and made them into finger puppets. She beat a cat to death with a stick. And this is called art. This is not only inhumane, but morally reprehensible.

Link to samples of the exhibit (warning! offensive content):

You might not want to look if such things do disturb you

The Wetterling Gallery's Justification of her work:

*****Link to the petition against her*****

[If you think this is wrong please repost this!]"

2004-12-10 09:51:45 ET


2005-01-16 13:14:03 ET

I second that title.

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