Stupid distraction, some short reading
2004-04-27 23:01:34 ET

Shane Macgowan attacked

She ain’t starving

“Ride of the Valkyries” named most dangerous driving song


Sooooo sleepy. I would have to do another 9 in the morning tomorrow at Music Millennium tomorrow but, as fate would have it, a co-worker had to switch shifts with me. I get to sleep in a little instead as I don't have to be to work until 1:30 pm. Yay! Sleeping in! I haven't been able to do that for a few days. Late nights, very little sleep with the weekend fast on it's way to repeat the whole process over again. I don't have to work Saturday for once, so we might be out checking out the North Portland MAX grand-opening festivities.

For the record, Spaten Optimator is still my favorite beer.

2004-04-27 23:06:12 ET

are you working at music Millenium??

Heather works there too!

2004-04-28 21:09:59 ET

must be Eastside. i work at the NW 23 West Hills scary one.


we have some girl by the name of Missy on our schedule now. i have no idea who this person is. o.O

2004-04-28 21:12:01 ET

she works @ the Burnside store...

2004-04-28 21:13:40 ET

thought so.

2004-04-28 21:15:25 ET

i half would like to work at that one just because it's closer to home. the only drawback is having to work closer to the owner and upper management.

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