2004-06-01 18:07:29 ET

Whew! I found my phone book yesterday, beside my bed. I must have thrown it at the wall. (Don't worry, I do that now and then. Don't ask why.) Nice to know I don't have to go around collecting everyone's phone numbers over again.

I woke up at 7:20 this morning for work after going to bed at 2-2:30. I don't know how I managed to wake up without my alarm. I set it for the right time, but did not actually switch it on. Odd. Anyway, woke up, got to work on time, didn't sell one ZZ Top ticket (the reason for opening early today), and now I have the after work stares -totally glazed over. Must...stay...conscious...long...enough...for...SPATEN AND JAPANESE YAKUZA ZOMBIES! heh...

Payday and an 11 day paycheck are near.

And people who wish to support a good cause (read "help keep me from financial ruin"), I will be selling some of my worldly possessions off my porch Friday and Saturday, 12 to 6pm. I mentioned toys in a previous entry. There will be a ridiculous amount of packaged action figures up for grabs, cheap. Indulge your inner comic-geek child. I'm also getting rid of some of my VHS collection. Odd horror and comedy will be the bulk of it. There will be other odd, random, and semi-useful things for sale. I will be posting to craigslist and a couple of businesses that may be interested in my stuff, so don't let that coveted "Slave Leia" POTF Star Wars figure slip by you.

Ugh, I gotta start tagging.

The grouch comes home in a few days. I'm trying to suppress my eager anticipation, but it's been a week…

2004-06-01 19:51:19 ET

...someone must be watching VERSUS????


2004-06-01 22:43:40 ET

you guessed it. :D

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