2004-09-02 00:43:36 ET


1st journal entry from an Apple in over a year. Still hate them. :-P

No home for another two months. So don't get offended if it seems I have forgotten you guys. That's not the case. My net access still sucks. But yeah, still alive, still here. And now, with an income, I can expect to at least rejoin the social world this Friday (kinda, I need to save my nickels and dimes so I can have a home again). Haha!

Next time I get to thinking about walking off the job I need someone to say "remember that time when you were living out of a garage and could barely eat?", and I'd say "oh, yeah...what a hoot!" . (feel the sarcasm, people)

Miss my Mr. Grim. Trying hard to keep a level head about him and my over-all situation. Trying to keep from murdering coworkers with horrible musical tastes. And just biding my time till I have my own space. Heavy doses of Cop Shoot Cop have been helping.


2004-09-02 07:42:40 ET

ah cop shoot cop to the rescue...
as for those horrible music tastes...i always start to imagine what i could do to said horrible song through 5 distortions...or playing it backwards on a record player with a fanned needle, etc...
hopefully your living situation improves soon...

2004-09-03 09:55:06 ET

Those people don't even respect their own music. They just throw it around, without the cases, not giving a shit what that does to a CD. Makes me not want to bring any of mine to work. I care about my music too much, including the burns. I brought Amon Tobin in and it dissapeared for 24 hours. I think someone was rude and borrowed it for burning w/o asking first. Fuckers...

I did establish who it is that feels the need to play the Beach Boys every day so that if I go postal I know who to gun down first. The same dude likes 70s soft rock too. Yuck!

2004-09-03 12:33:21 ET

beach boys pet sounds is classic...well supposedly to every shit head musician...i think theyre crap...i was all about the monkees...oh wait theyre crap too...
soft rock always sounds better when a drunken japanese man is singing it...
damn coworkers who have no respect for your things. makes me want to drop kick those people...like this girl at work that ive repeatedly ask not to put her bag on my bag...but everytime i go to get something from it...lo and behold...her shits on mine...

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