Live 365
2002-10-10 12:01:02 ET

I'm still on for another hour. Click that radio link yo!

2002-10-10 12:45:26 ET


2002-10-10 13:13:00 ET

i clinked, but my 56k clunks.....
I {
how are you lady lady?
sounds fun either way!

2002-10-10 13:16:49 ET

i'm fine. just stressed over trying to find another place to live. thanks for asking. :)

2002-10-10 13:23:03 ET

not fun....i have too look for a new roommate to cover rent. that's my way of getting out of having to move myself!
*hands you a stout to ease the stress*

heh, would make that real if i could!

2002-10-10 13:26:06 ET


2002-10-10 13:35:18 ET

rivethead potential energy increasing geometrically during broadkast.

2002-10-10 13:37:33 ET

should i play Sand again for you Axo?

2002-10-10 14:17:33 ET

gah, I had to run an errand ;)

2002-10-10 14:34:49 ET

oh no! i knew i should've held off playing it. maybe next time.

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