2002-11-19 18:11:44 ET

If I forgot to mention someone in my "buddy-name-dropping-list" and I forgot you and I'm on your buddy list and you don't mind being included, remind me who you are! I checked my archives for that list. Axo, I think you are one of those peeps but I didn't save the FYI message.

2002-11-19 18:19:18 ET


[translation: you added me to your list and i added you a long time ago. i have since been enjoying your journal as well as the delightful Washu Radio. i hold no objections to being added to said list.]

2002-11-19 18:23:15 ET

I added you to mine at somepoint for easier stalking access

2002-11-19 18:25:48 ET

I added you exactly 1 billion years ago

2002-11-19 18:45:42 ET

das Washu is on my old-skool OG SK.net peep list.

2002-11-19 19:29:51 ET


noted, and working on correcting.

Ant, how can i forget about you?!?!

2002-11-19 20:05:13 ET

awww ... iffn' you did, i'd have to pounce ya! :D

2002-11-20 14:50:56 ET

Being in those biography things is an ego trip!
Or something.
Uhh, yeah. :X
Not really.
But if I put my buddies in my Bio (Bio's Bio) you'd be there. :X

2002-11-21 12:04:38 ET


2002-11-21 12:09:37 ET

i fixed that. heh...

2002-11-21 12:10:48 ET


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