shock on a wire
2003-10-13 14:29:37 ET

weekend report

friday night...a book release party for a former co-worker at antartica. stuck around for a couple of hours then head over to the mountain to meet up with my bro. we had to bounce cause my bro got sick.

saturday: rehearsed the set, then went out early for a friends birthday party at fuel. stayed until midnight then went up to batcave. this turned out to be a bad idea.

sunday: crawled out of bed hung over at 1:30 to get over to qxt's for soundcheck. that was a disaster. once we finally got to soundcheck, it took us 6 minutes tops. we went to jarvs so he could shower and change and then back to the club. we went on at around 10:30. we were lucky to have the best slot, and we put on a fairly energetic show. thanks to all who turned out to support us. and boo on those who left and missed life cried's kick ass set. a diner chill and a nap and i am back in nyc. whew what a long weekend. but not without its merits.

2003-10-13 14:34:29 ET

and i will now poke you


2003-10-13 16:08:37 ET

I went on the train home all alone by myself and cried.

2003-10-13 16:27:07 ET

i have been poked

bio: sorry bro, i couldnt leave then. what happened to cesar?

2003-10-13 16:30:43 ET

I guess he just left earlier without saying goodbye to li'l ol' me.
Who knows.
::looks around::

2003-10-13 19:06:55 ET

what are the chances of you playing in CT?

:D <3

2003-10-14 07:24:57 ET

squee: fairly good. we dont have anything booked yet...but i hope the word is spreading up there about us. slowly but surely.

2003-10-14 16:56:33 ET


2003-10-21 11:11:12 ET

I can't wait to check out your band once I move to New York, since now I've been reading of the exploits so often (yes; even thoguh I rarely post, I always read....I just never have anything relevent to say).

2003-10-21 15:00:53 ET

we all look forward to your arrival =)

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